FOR WINDOWS AND MACINTOSH COMPUTERS Step 1. Open the CD ROM tray. Step 2. Place the Easy Internet CD ROM in the tray, text side up. Step 3. Run the program enet.exe a. Macintosh users should double click the enet.exe icon b. Windows 95 users should click the Start button, then choose RUN. Type in the CD ROM drive letter followed by a colon and backslash and the word "enet.exe". (ex. d:\enet.exe). c. Win31 users should choose from program manager FILE, then RUN, then type the CD ROM drive letter followed by a colon and a backslash and the word "enet.exe". (ex. d:\enet.exe) Step 4. Carefully read the licensing agreement and click the appropriate button if you agree or disagree. If you disagree, the program will close. Step 5. In the Personal Configuration dialog box, enter the following: a. ISP Configuration Code given to you by your Internet Service Provider. It is not case sensitive. b. Your real name. (note: there are programs which allow people to "finger" you and find out the name you put here. If you do not want others to find out your real name, enter a nickname). c. The user name given to you by your Internet Service Provider. It is case sensitive, so be certain you type it in exactly as your Internet Service Provider gave it to you. Step 6. Once all the information boxes have been filled, click on the CONFIRM CODE button. Step 7. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE Click on any of the program icons in the PROGRAMS TO INSTALL box and a description of the selected program will appear in the PROGRAMS DESCRIPTION box along with information on pricing if the program is shareware. Win95 users can Drag the program icon to the EASY COMPUTER dialog box and drop it on the cartoon computer, click the INSTALL button, or right click and choose INSTALL ME. Win31 users can Drag the program icon to the EASY COMPUTER dialog box and drop it or click on the INSTALL button. Macintosh users should click on the INSTALL button. Step 8. CONFIGURING YOUR COMPUTER AFTER INSTALLING PROGRAMS Click the button labeled INTERNET CONFIGURATION. Choose the closest location and the appropriate phone number. If the number you want to dial is not listed, enter it in the box provided and check off the "Use non-listed phone number" checkbox. Click the UPDATE CONFIGURATION BUTTON. Step 9. CONNECTING TO THE INTERNET Close the Easy Internet program by clicking the QUIT button. Windows - Look for a connection icon on your desktop or in program manager in the program group DIAL-UP CONNECTIONS. Double-click on that connection icon, enter in your password, and choose the CONNECT button. Macintosh - Choose APPLE MENU ITEM, then CONTROL PANELS, then PPP Enter your password, then choose the CONNECT button. After you connect open and run any of the programs you have installed. 1